RNA-velocity for SuperCell

RNA velocity combining with metacells computed with SuperCell

if (!requireNamespace("remotes")) install.packages("remotes")

We show an example of how SuperCell can be used prior to velocyto.R to compute RNA velocity.

Load data and compute metacells’ spliced and un-spliced counts

We use a built-in pancreas dataset from Bastidas-Ponce et al. (2019) For RNA velocity, we need spliced and un-spliced count matrices.

SC_pancreas <- SCimplify_for_velocity(
  gamma = 10)

Compute RNA velocity

Vel <- supercell_estimate_velocity(SC_pancreas$emat, SC_pancreas$nmat)

Plot RNA velocity on a tSNE’s coordinates

# Assign clusters to metacells based on the given single clustering
clusters <- supercell_assign(pancreas$meta$clusters, SC_pancreas$membership)

Set up the color scheme

# Set up the color scheme
N.clusters <- length(unique(clusters))
pal <- setNames(colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(8, name= "Set1"))(N.clusters), 
color <- setNames(pal[as.character(clusters)], names(clusters))

map_cluster_to_cluster_name <- c('Ngn3 low EP', 'Alpha', 'Delta', 'Beta', 'Pre-endocrine', 'Ngn3 high EP', 'Ductal', 'Epsilon')

Plot tSNE

size <- sqrt(1+table(SC_pancreas$membership))/sqrt(2)/2
tsne10 <- tSNE.velocity.plot(Vel, 
                             cell.colors = ac(color, alpha = 0.6), 
                             scale = "log", do.par = T,
                             delta.norm = FALSE, nPcs = 15, norm.nPcs = 15 * 10, perplexity = 50,
                             show.grid.flow = FALSE, grid.n = 20, grid.sd = NULL, min.grid.cell.mass = 1,
                             pcount = 1, verbose = TRUE, min.arrow.median.ratio = 1/10,
                             max.arrow.quantile = 0.9, arrow.scale = 1, arrow.lwd = 1,
                             xlab = "tSNE-x", ylab = "tSNE-y", size.norm = FALSE, cex = size
legend("topleft", legend=map_cluster_to_cluster_name,
       fill=pal,  cex=0.8)